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02 9829 1555
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NEX10™ Connectors

Radiall’s NEX10™ series is a miniature and lightweight RF Coaxial connector with excellent intermodulation performance for outdoor telecom applications
up to 20 GHz.

Growing demand for new generation equipment within the Telecom market requires a top performance solution with exceptional benefits and features.
To develop this solution, Radiall has partnered with two leading RF connector manufacturers to develop a new compact extremely robust Low PIM connector:

With exceptional performance up to 20 GHz in order to meet the performance needs of customers, NEX10™ also features a compact design which is 50%
smaller than 4.3-10. This unique solution also offers separation of electrical and mechanical reference planes, which maximizes intermodulation performance under statique, dynamic, vibrations and torque stress conditions.

NEX10™ is available in multiple configurations:

  • Jack: square flange, bulkhead
  • Plug: straight & right angle
  • Screw-on & push-pull coupling mechanism
  • Multi-coax
  • Additional boot
  • Jumper

NEX10 Handout